Friday, September 7, 2012

Look who's talking !

Ok bubs, so we're 80% there. At some point in the past, I resolved to write a follow-up preggo blog when we got to around 32 weeks, and here we are.

Ahhh, 80%. That number has such a nice ring to it. Impressive on a report card, an opinion poll or a smog check. There's something so reassuringly positive and wholesome about that percentage. Nice and round. It's not the only thing nice and round these days, mom's getting pretty round too. :)
So that I remember these manic final weeks, here's a glimpse of what's going on with me:
1. Waking up around 4 times every night answering nature's calls. You're getting bigger and everything is pushing down on my bladder.
2. Random leg cramps jolting through my leg(s) in the middle of the night.
3. Sleep still comes easy. You're an active kid but I'm able to drown out your kickathons for the better part of the night. I read some place that exercise is nature's prozac, releasing happiness hormones, but I think it's also nature's sleeping pill. I'm thankful for being able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat and stay asleep. Dad is not as thankful - he says I manage to doze off at every movie showing past 9pm.
4. I'm an emotional wreck. Last night I was flipping channels and happened to catch Juno on tv for the 28th time, and cried like a baby (excuse the expression, bubs), watching about 10 minutes of it.
5. I'm always feeling hot. What makes it worse is that my melting point happens to coincide with your dad's freezing point, which is around 75 degree F, and we are at a constant thermostat war. We just cant find a temperature zone to coexist in. :(
6. I'm feeling super-energetic. So much more than the 1st & 2nd trimesters when I was always sleepy/tired during the day.
7. I'm addicted to babycenter blogs and YouTube parenting videos. They seem to have all the answers.
8. People have started to stare at my belly now. I can't say I like the attention you draw, it makes me feel like a freak when people stare.
9. More good hair days, thanks to the preggo hormones and the prenatal vitamins. We even managed to make a woman jealous last week, as she said "Ok, that will change. You'll lose bunches of it post-delivery." Who cares ? We can enjoy it while it lasts. :)
10. Nest-a-mania. I'm definitely fighting the urges to buy the whole baby store or raid all kinds of cutesy baby furniture on craigslist to set up your nursery, but dad is a clutter-phobic and won't let me buy anything yet. Hurray for the great baby-shower gifts we got! We can just add a few big ticket items like a stroller, a car seat and a crib, and we'll be set.
11. Momxiety. It's my word for the whole gamut of anxiety issues that comes with transitioning into a mom. Some of my big fears - will my face get all puffy-looking ? Will I be able to go back to work ? Will we find someone reliable to help out with you ? Will I lose all this baby weight ? Will I go under the knife ? How much will labor hurt ? How soon will I be back on my feet ? Will I have time to hang out and go out to movies and dinner with your dad ? Will I be able to take care of a newborn? And my topmost fear - will I get to see you born healthy and happy as the 9 months of waiting draw to a close ?

You can't talk yet, but you are pretty sure of what you like and don't like and you have your own way of letting me know. Here's what I have learned about you so far:
1. You hate when I sleep on my left side: you won't rest easy until I get on my other side or my back.
2. You love carbs and sugar! I try to eat very little of that stuff, but look at you doing your happy dance when I do!
3. Cold stuff startles you. Sometimes when you haven't moved in a while, evil mom will gulp down a glass full of ice water just make sure you're OK. A few nights back we ate no-sugar-added frozen yogurt and you flipped out.
4. You are a morning person. Your favorite times of the day are 6am and 10am. You are my morning alarm and you are always doing jumping jacks right in the middle of a work meeting.
5. You have great taste in music. My favorite time of the day is when I drive to work with you. It's mummy and bubs time. I turn on the radio and notice what songs get you moving and shaking. You love Maroon5 (yes!!!), Abba (Lol, you love the "does your mother know" song, smartass), Pitbull, Eminem and you DONT care for that annoying kid Justin Beiber nor Taylor Swift. Good for you!
6. You might have motion sickness, like your dad. Everytime I drive around a swirling part on the freeway, it makes you squirm.
7. Ultrasound evidence shows you resemble me! My dad agrees but your dad thinks I'm delusional. He says the ultrasound images are about as clear as a cat jumping into a tub of ink and painting her inky paws all over white paper.
8. You have good intuition and a good heart. You dont give me a hard time ever (yet). You know when I'm going through one of my momxiety episodes and you show me your support. 2 days back in the gym, my ankles were killing me and I started thinking about how much worse it will get in the upcoming weeks. I felt you kick and the next gym track I heard was Kelly Clarkson singing "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Similar thing on my drive back from work yesterday, stuck in traffic, thinking about one of the momxiety items. I changed the radio station to the Desi station which generally dissappoints and they were playing "All izz well" from the movie 3 idiots and you were kicking like crazy. How did you know that would make me feel better ???
You're barely 7 months in the making and you have already told me so much stuff about you ! Bravo.
The B&W ultrasound photos are all good, but I want to see you in color & motion now. I've watched the teasers and trailers for 32 weeks, I want to watch the movie in full. 80% isn't good enough anymore, show me a 100% !!!


Megha Bansal said...


You're already such an amazing mom!
You don't like Taylor Swift?? HMM! I keep telling Manya that if she wants to idolize a baby singer - it can only be her!

You're so cute in your assessments :D They made me smile.
I can't wait either bubs! Let it be 100% already!!!!
Good luck Akansha and Saurabh.

Akansha said...

Thanks for reading, Megha ! I finally published something after being so lazy. :)

Lecture-rhymer said...

This is great. It'll be a delight for him to read through this someday :)

Thank god he doent like Justin Beiber :D

Anonymous said...

I become all senti n maudlin every time I read anything written by you or Ananti.

Guess I'm getting old!

This one was no different. Sensitively felt, brilliantly written n intelligently conveyed. Made me realize how much we men miss -- something you moms r lucky by design to feel.

Makes waiting to see you that much harder!

Hold on for us, Bubs n his mom,

Love, Dad

Akansha said...

Thanks chhavi and dad ! <3 <3 <3

Sunil S said...

Very well written Akansha! You guys must be really really excited!! Good luck :)