Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cinematic dilemma

We dont have a lot in common at all. We're definitely a ying-and-yang type of couple. He makes a beeline for outside seating in the sun at a restaurant patio when it's a 105 degrees day, whereas I'd rather sit in the cool comfort of the air-conditioned indoors. I mean, why do we have to be at the same temperature as the food we're eating ?

The one thing we both love doing is going out for a good movie. We're both movie buffs and it's good, easy, affordable entertainment. Friday night is our designated ditch-dinner-and-go-out-for-a-movie-and-popcorn night. The only problem is we're also ying-and-yang about the kind of movies we like. He loves superhero movies, action/thriller/disaster/sci-fi flicks. I love a good comedy or a nice feel-good romantic flick. I'm not saying I only enjoy the candyflossy youve-got-mail and pretty-woman type chic-flicks. I like sci-fi and thrillers too(I love Minority Report, True Lies, Terminator, Mission Impossible, Kill Bill and several others), but I'm a bit more selective about them, and I cannot get myself to stay awake & interested watching senseless, purposeless action or a sci-fi movies with no real story.

The month of April was pretty hard on me as far as our shared movie trips go. He strongly suggested we watch Leatherheads in the 1st week of April (painfully slow and belaboured movie, plus the sport movie aspect didnt settle well with me given the fact that we watch assorted sports on TV about 90% of the time when he's at home). 2nd week of April we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I didnt care much for it because it was a bit pathetic and wayyy too graphic for my taste. 3rd week of April he ployed - he turned our Saturday going-out night into guy-movie night by inviting friends to watch Harold and Kumar Escape to Guantanamo Bay as a group. It was a funny movie but it was so crass. What's a girl to do ?

Anyway, come May 2nd, I demanded that we go to watch a girlie movie for a change, so he reluctantly agreed to take me out to watch Made of Honor. Coincidenly, Iron Man released the same week and this was the dilemma that he was faced with as we made our way into the movie theater:


The next show for Iron Man was around 10.45 pm and he had a sad puppy dog look on his face as we made our way into the Made of Honor theater. The movie stank, because it was so mediocre and the storyline was a bad remake of My best friend's wedding. But after 3 weeks of enduring stupid, lewd or plain boring guy movies, it felt so good to watch a girlie movie. Even a bad girlie movie. I think that the most satisfying part for me was the payback factor - the annoyance and frustration he felt as he walked away from the Iron Man theater was priceless. Gosh, are we madly in love or what !!?! ;)

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